I love adventure travel and the outdoors. I like to put myself in challenging physical situations and try out routes that no one has ever thought about. I take videos when I can, and the (long) editing process is a chance to relive those incredible journeys. Below is a small collection of them.


Valhallathlon – a six-day multi-sport camping journey through Norwegian mountains and fjords. An adventure that begins with one question: Where’s the map? Enjoy this 4-part vlog covering the highs and lows of a unique trial.
I love being active and the outdoors. In the summer of 2022 I had a chance to different sports all over the world. Hopefully these videos inspire others to get out there too!


Tour de Thailand
Tour de Taiwan
4 Rivers Trail
A 7-part series covering different aspects of this incredibly grueling and satisfying trip, from the motivation for doing this to a day in the life.